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About us 


Redefining Solutions for a better future

Neom Energies is powered by a strong passion to create solutions that are relevant to modern day challenges. We want to solve the problems of the future today.

We believe in adopting new ways of thinking that are relevant to how the environment around us is evolving. We believe in timeless solutions.

As the world is evolving and adopting to new ways of functioning we want to be at the fore-front of those ideas that help companies function in whatever new challenge that occurs.

Image by shawnanggg


Our clients’ ideas and aspirations drive all that we do. We work alongside them like no other firm to co-create clever, innovative solutions to some of the world’s most complex challenges, adding value across the project lifecycle through deep technical and advisory expertise.

Image by Dan Meyers

Neom Energies is powered by a strong passion to create solutions that are relevant to modern day challenges. 

349, Ali Bin Said Road, Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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