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Image by Raphael Cruz

Low Carbon economy Transition

There is a growing global urgency for business and governments to transition to a lower carbon economy. Neom Energies is strategically positioned to help our clients to navigate this transition, from strategic advice through to offering on the ground practical implementations.

Image by Moritz Kindler
  • Advising on how to reduce Carbon Emissions:  at corporate and asset levels to identify and reduce carbon emissions and climate-related financial risk within the value chain

  • Conducting Policy Analysis: Providing climate policy analyses and intelligence to assess evolving regulatory requirements

  • Providing the right infrastructure: for the new lower-carbon economy (e.g. renewables, electricity networks, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), hydrogen, and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS))

  • Facilitating closure, clean-up and regeneration: This is ensuring that the old fossil fuel related assets are handled well as the low carbon transition gathers momentum

  • Solution Assessment: We assess how nature based solutions can support carbon reduction goals and build resilience of assets impacted by climate change

Neom Energies is powered by a strong passion to create solutions that are relevant to modern day challenges. 

349, Ali Bin Said Road, Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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